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Chers clients, chers collectionneurs, chers amis,  Nous serons ravis de vous acceuillir à nouveau à notre nouvelle location au 9,rue dauphine 75006 à Paris à ART GALLERY PONT-NEUF. à bientôt.



Les oeuvres en bronzes des artistes Serge COUVERT et Dominique RAYOU en permanence  à 



The bronze artworks of our artists Serge COUVERT & Dominique RAYOU are exhibited permanently at ART GALLERY PONT-NEUF.


Vente en ligne : 


Les peintures d'IRINI sont acctuellment en vente UNIQUEMENT  en ligne.


Online sales :


IRINI's paintings are curently on sale only by order online.


Dear customer, dear collector of CLASS GALLERY-PARIS,We will be delighted to welcome you again this time at our ART GALLERY PONT-NEUF.  See you soon.


Biographie de l'artiste IRINI :


IRINI  a member of Society of Artists on Russia, IRINI  was born in Moscow in 1958. She got education as an engineer of garment production and an engineer-mapper (MIIGAiK) . She realized her creative potential initially studying violin at the Music school in the classroom of the teacher Podgorny AP, then at the end of secondary school, taking private lessons jazz violin.


Apat from music, she was keen on painting, decorating and arts and crafts. In the mid-80s at the beginning of reforms in the Soviet Union she opened own studio theater (Children's Theatre-Studio "Unit") in Moscow.


Theatre survived until 1992. In the difficult times  IRINI  completely given painting, finding this peace of mind. She would participate in various art exhibitions that would bring great satisfaction with audience's attention.


Main directions of the artist: abstract expressionism, impressionism, copyright direction "Metaphysics of perception", Water color painting, artistic portrait, fresque. Genres: portrait, full-scale urban landscape, flowers, separate reality.


 Over the last ten years the artist Irini held more than 40 personal exhibitions in various halls of Moscow and the Moscow region (CDA, House of Arts, Tushino Hall, Theatre Lenkoma VVC, Sokolniki, Russian State University of Peoples' Friendship Hall in Barvikha Vatutinki, Nazareva, mountains. Istra, Moscow Dvor, CHA, etc.) . She was awarded an honorary diploma for participation in an art exhibition in the Central House of Artists in 2001. "DE BON OBRAZY" and included in the catalog of the exhibition, as well as the diploma for the participation in the exhibition "Age of Aquarius" in Moscow guest court in 2010.